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He was one of the first people to study children's development and he developed the theory that children develop through stages. In recent years, it has come into some criticism but the importance of his contribution to developmental psychology cannot be denied.

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Anyone exploring a career in child psychology will no doubt come across his influential work. Piaget influenced the field of developmental psychology because he showed that learning takes place through stages rather than just being acquired all at once. The following sections will explore some of the key ideas behind Piagetian theories. It helps teachers identify what needs to be taught and when. Jean Piaget's work is important because it provides us with insights into cognitive processes during childhood. His major works include "Logic", "Reasoning and Judgment" and " Constructionism". His research interests included child development, logic, mathematics, linguistics, social sciences and education. The Jean Piaget Society is named after him. This led him to become one of the leading psychologists of his generation. At the age of 30, he published his first book “G enetic Epistemology” which received critical acclaim. When war ended, he started studying law and then switched again to philosophy and sociology. During World War 1, he worked as an army doctor. After finishing high school he went to study medicine but soon changed course to philosophy and sociology. He was born in 1896 in Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Finally, the fourth stage, the formal operational stage, occurs from around twelve years old and is characterized by the child's ability to think abstractly and reason hypothetically.

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The third stage, the concrete operational stage, occurs from around seven to twelve years old and is characterized by the child's ability to think logically about concrete objects and events. The second stage, the preoperational stage, occurs from around two to seven years old and is characterized by the child's ability to use symbols to represent objects and events. The first stage, the sensorimotor stage, occurs from birth to around two years old and is characterized by the child's understanding of the world through sensory experiences and motor actions. Piaget's theory of cognitive development is based on the idea that children go through four stages of development, each with their own unique characteristics and abilities. He also made controlled observation, and used naturalistic observation of his own three children and developed diary description with charts of children's development. Piaget used observations and clinical interviews of older children who were able to hold conversations and understand questions. He was more intrigued to find out how the fundamental concepts such as the very idea of time, number, justice, quantity and so on emerged (Greenfield, 2019). Piaget did not want to measure how well children can spell, count or solve problems to check their I.Q. The most effective way to understand children’s reasoning is to think from children's point of view.Children are not passive learners, they actively build up their knowledge about the surrounding.Children think differently and see the world differently from adults.Piaget proposed a new set of assumptions about the intelligence of children: Piaget believed that these wrong answers revealed significant differences between the thinking of children and adults. He became interested to find out why children gave incorrect answers to the questions needing logical thinking (Meadows, 2019). In the 1920s, Piaget was working at the Binet Institute and his main responsibility was to translate questions written in English intelligence tests into French. In this article, we examine the implications his work has for the intellectual development of children in classrooms. His work is regarded as the cornerstone in the field of developmental psychology. Cognitive development in children is not only related to acquiring knowledge, children need to build or develop a mental model of their surrounding world (Miller, 2011).

discovery education word search maker

The Theory of Cognitive Development by Jean Piaget, the Swiss psychologist, suggests that children's intelligence undergoes changes as they grow. What is Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development?

Discovery education word search maker